Begitu banyak harapan di tahun ini. Semoga suamiku selalu sehat dan anak-anakku pinter-pinter. Ga terasa ternyata dah mau 35 tahun. Sometimes I think my soul always like twenty LOL. I don't know my wish sometimes didn't come true sooner. I hope this year I can mudik to Hari Raya. I am bored with my cook it didn't taste well. I hope my fashion shop has great selling. Today the selling was very bad I just keep my monthly money for this shop. Lately My husband getting sick every two weeks, I hope he will get soon. I miss you honey sorry I can take care of you. My sons both first and second they are growing they are scolding everytime. I hope they calmly for one moment get study well and try to obey their Mom.
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Thanks Sudah Berkunjung dan Kasih Komen ^^